


Jazztopia is a fun day camp that offers the opportunity for high-school musicians to explore and develop their jazz skills in a combo setting. Activities will focus on improvisation, jazz history, instrument technique, and combo performance. Students who are currently in high school or about to enter high school are eligible to attend. No prior combo or improvisation experience is necessary. Advanced students completing 7th grade will be considered with director recommendation.




Class 2 Jazz History/Listening Class 
Class 3 Master Class on Individual Instruments 
Class 6 Performances/Entertainment


周一 1 pm-4:30pm类
周二 9 am-4:15pm类
周三 9 am-4:15pm类
周四 9 am-3pm类
周四 3:30pm 最后一次演唱会 featuring Jazztopia students (free concert)

Jazztopia is held in the Moss Performing Arts Center on the southeast part of campus (on 12th street near the corner of 12th 街及北大道). Cars may pay to park in pay lots or parking garage. Free parking is also available on nearby streets across 12th 街. CMU停车地图

Please check in between 1-1:30pm on 周一, June 10 near Love Recital Hall in the Moss Performing Arts Center. Then you will audition in order to be placed in a combo with students of similar abilities; auditions begin at 1pm. You may warm up in any of the practice rooms throughout the building.

为了试镜, students should bring a jazz etude or an excerpt from their school jazz band literature that is representative of their playing level. 即兴表演是可选的.

All students should bring a notebook and pencil. Percussionists should bring sticks, brushes, and mallets for vibraphone (drum sets will be provided). Bass and guitar players need to bring their instrument and a patch cord in good condition (amps will be provided for bass and guitar players). Pianos will also be provided. Other instruments must be provided by the student. If you need to borrow an instrument from your school, please check with your band director before school lets out. Saxophone players need to bring extra reeds. Brass players need to have a valve or slide oil and may wish to bring various mutes.

Each participant will receive a camp t-shirt, which will be worn for the final concert.

For those who purchased lunch, lunch will be served 周二-周四. Students who did not purchase lunch and who wish to eat off campus must provide written parental permission.

Students are allowed to have cell phones during Music Camp, but they will need to be turned off during rehearsals or classes. No texting during class or rehearsals!

6月13日,星期四,下午3:30. Moss Performing Arts Center Robinson Theatre. 免费向公众开放.

Important Contact Information
Dr. Darin Kamstra, Camp Director – 970.248.1088(办公室), (电子邮件保护)
Lyn Ross, Administrative Assistant – 970.248.1233, (电子邮件保护)

Black pants or shorts and camp t-shirt.

Special thanks to the Western Colorado Community Foundation and City of Grand Junction Colorado Commission on Arts & Culture for scholarship grants.

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